lets get some technical stuff done with law before we go on.
Copyright...(c) this one i think 99.9% of the world knows , maybe not the tribes that still think its 12C though. copyright as the name suggests means the law against copying other peoples work or ideas it kinda has to be enforced unless you want disputes and trials and pointless bickering.
This covers music,art,design,paper work even, trade marks, companies your back garden if its copyrighted , this gives it away almost anything can be copyrighted with the right paper work, there are ways that cost less, there is the myth or fact about posting your own work unopened in a envelope... might work could be good.
Intellectual ...property :o this is the same as copyright but with ideas anything the person has thought up or dreamt about and written down can be Intellectually made lawful, so no stealing people. just the same as this can be intellectually protected if i had to place a idea on this and i wanted it protected.
The next section really covers this type of blog thing.
Plagiarism : now now don't be copying my style, this is what this means basically if you copy or imitate someone else's written work and brush it off as your own then yer buggered because its indeed then illegal and if found out its bye bye for you and hello to El Jail (not actually in any Spanish prison) but yes you could be jailed or fined a given amount by a judge or if you were granted permission you have the right to use it as long as the author has given that person permission to use it. many colleges and universities ban the use of Wikipedia as people copy and paste its content which is then plagiarism.
Contracts..contracts ...contracts I think most people know what these are it big scary bits of paper people sign to complete deals or job acceptances, these can and usually contain a small print that describes if its broken you can be taken to court for breaking this its a bit like a TOS or "Terms of Service" you break it you pay. other contracts like for jobs are usually details of the job ,pay and specifics of that job and usually contain a term time such as , part time,full time or other.
Licensing : try the off license!! this is really a add on to all of the above to give a license is to give permission such as a drinks store has permission to sell alcohol on its premises or a restaurant to sell food, this applies to copyright and intellectual laws also as if the person gives a license to use their material then they have permission.
Tax tax tax nooooo!! i think this again is rather heard of, most tax means to give money to someone usually the taxman which then usually goes to the country, taxes have been used well before the common era taxes can be traced back to medieval times where they taxed villages for money to the king or queen to feed them and keep the workers working basically. so there has been no change in that policy but many new taxes have became common, Victorian or Edwardian times they taxed for everything, they had hat tax,window tax and shoe tax amongst other crazy taxes this was because of wars that were taken place and the king had to pay to get resources and weapons made and pay back borrowing so introduced taxation on everything. poor people huh and they wondered why there was poverty pfft.
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